I am a retired Psychiatric Hospital and Prison Minister and Director at a City Hospital.  I've always had painting and art in my blood, inheriting this from my dad.  As young as 9 I was showing my art, which at that time was realism. I also was a potter. Today, I'd be hard pressed to draw a stick person!

My journey in Art, as a working adult, took me into creating and selling cards, flipbooks, murals and ATC's (Artist Trading Cards).  Stamping was my thing, and I was a respresentative for 3 different companies, and designing images for 9.  I love that part of my Art history. It fed me in ways few things could.

One day, 4 years ago, I stumbled across a You Tube on "paint pouring" and was instantly hooked!  The thing that hooked me (and I am being very honest) was the mess.  Such beautiful creations resulted from the absolutely messiest type of creating style I'd ever witnessed.  This spelled freedom to me (though my Studio is obsessively tidy!)

And I'd like to say the rest was history!

I still teach my Grandchildren all the other types of art that are in my background, watching each of them branch out into their own individual styles.

But suffice to say I hear "can we paint like you Granny?" and off we go.  To my amazement, my 3 year old grandchild instructed me "Granny let go of the hairdryer" and off she went, paint flying in beautiful harmony.  I think this might be how it all starts!

And this is the gift of Paint Pouring...the impossibility to botch it up!

From my heart to yours, one pour at a time.
Samara Navi